Setting up your Custom Tracking Domain: Step-by-step guide

How to set up a custom tracking domain?

A recommended practice is to utilize existing domains and create a subdomain. This allows you to benefit from the established reputation and avoids the delay in warming up a new domain.

Steps to Follow

1) Pick a domain

If you already have a domain, you might need administrator access, so consult your development team for assistance. If you don't have an existing domain, you can visit a registrar such as GoDaddy or Hostinger to purchase a new one.

Once you've obtained or chosen a domain, the next step is to create a subdomain for it. For instance, if your domain is, you can establish subdomains like or using CNAME records.

2) Create a CNAME record in the DNS manager

Go to your domain provider and find the "DNS" section. Select the domain where you want to add a subdomain. Below we will leave links to the most popular hosting providers and articles on how to set up them.

3) Link the custom tracking domain to your Mailarrow account.

After adding the CNAME and setting up a custom tracking domain, the final step is to connect it to your Mailarrow account. Follow the steps below for doing it:

  1. In the left menu, select "Settings"
  2. In the Mail Accounts section, find the email address you need and click the "Settings" button next to the email address name
  3. In the "Custom Tracking Domain" section, insert the custom tracking domain you created in the previous step, for example,
  4. Mailarrow will automatically trace the host
  5. All you need to do is to Verify & Save it